

The Finest CEElection Equity Investor Conference 2024

7 Oct 2024 (Mon) - 9 Oct 2024 (Wed)

Questions marked with * are mandatory

Contact Details of Participant

Salutation *
First Name *Last Name *
Company Name *Job Title *
Company Country *ZIP Code / City *
Full Company Address *Int. VAT No.
Phone *Email *
Mobile *Erste Contact Person


Your profile

How do you want to share your profile *

Please upload your investor profile: *

Please type the description *




According to MiFID II, some clients may be required to pay separately for corporate access services. If so, we have provided a list of our standard rates below. Please indicate which option applies:

MiFID II is not applicable to me
The stock exchanges‘ sponsorship of the conference covers me from a MiFID II perspective
My company has its own fee schedule or contract with Erste Group
I will use the Erste fee package:
Erste fee package: *

including research material
including multiple issuer meetings, general company presentations & research material
including multiple issuer meetings, general company presentations & research material

As the conference is sponsored by Stock Exchanges, Erste Group Bank AG is able to offer attendance for free as long as the investor´s internal policy allows free corporate access consumption in such a situation.





MONDAY - 7th of October 2024

13:00-14:00 - Networking Lunch
19:00-22:30 - Dinner cohosted by Vienna & Prague Stock Exchange - Albertina Museum

Dinner Key-Note Speech: Dr. Martin Kocher, Minister for Economy and Labor, Austria

Address: Albertinapl. 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Web:ALBERTINA Museum Wien


TUESDAY - 8th October 2024

12:00-13:00 - Panel discussion about US Elections

Panelists: Ms. Hannelore Veit political tv-commentator, from Austria & Mr. Michael Zantovsky former Ambassador from Czech Republic

13:00-14:00 - Networking Lunch
19:00-23:30 - Dinner - Restaurant Stöckl im Park cohosted by Warsaw Stock Exchange
Address: Prinz-Eugen-Straße 25, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 7965050


WEDNESDAY - 9th of October 2024

13:00-14:00 - Networking Lunch


One-on-one Meetings (45 minutes + 15 minutes break)

The conference will have an increased focus on one-on-one meetings. We would appreciate it if you could accommodate a two-day presence. The conference week basically consists of the following thematic priorities:

  • Monday: Austrian Day
  • Tuesday:  Austiran  & CEE Day 
  • Wedesday: CEE Day

Time schedules for one-on-one meetings will be available approximately one week before the conference. Please inform us of your availability for one-on-one meetings by clicking on the respective slots. The more time slots you choose, the easier it will be to fulfill meeting requests. The meetings will be held in presence at the conference venue or virtually via MS Teams.

7 Oct ALL  9:00am   10:00am   11:00am   12:00pm   2:00pm   3:00pm   4:00pm   5:00pm   6:00pm 
8 Oct ALL  9:00am   10:00am   11:00am   12:00pm   2:00pm   3:00pm   4:00pm   5:00pm   6:00pm 
9 Oct ALL  9:00am   10:00am   11:00am   12:00pm   2:00pm   3:00pm   4:00pm   5:00pm   6:00pm 




Please select which companies you would like to have a meeting with. Kindly prioritize your meeting requests by indicating whether a meeting is one of your top 5 (T5), high (H), medium (M) or lower priority (L), and indicate the meeting type either 1-on-1 (1), group meeting (G) or no preference (N).

Select   Corporate Name

Compliance Disclaimer 

This personal invitation is for you only and is not transferable. By accepting it, you declare that  

  • you are legally permitted to accept the invitation and that the acceptance
  • does not violate your own compliance guidelines and
  • your acceptance is not intended to influence any pending business decision.

The catering-cost  of the event are apprx. € 80 for a lunch, € 150 for a dinner incl entertaiment per person (excluding travel expenses and accommodation, which are to be borne by the participants themselves).

If your participation is only possible against reimbursement of costs due to your own compliance reasons, we kindly ask you to transfer the aforementioned amount as a donation directly to one of the organizations listed here: Donation service & donate online | Erste Bank (sparkasse.at)

If your participation is not possible due to your own compliance reasons, please decline this invitation and inform the person who invited you accordingly.

Please note that your data may be documented in our internal systems due to compliance reasons. You can find more information on data protection at www.erstebank.at/datenschutz.