
​Our carefully curated speaker line-up showcases senior-level leaders


Nicholas Pfaff
Deputy CEO, Head of Sustainable Finance
International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

Nicholas Pfaff is the Deputy Chief Executive and Head of Sustainable Finance at the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). He is the Secretary of the Green, Social, Sustainability and Sustainability-linked Bond Principles. He is a former member of the European Commission’s Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Sustainable Finance and Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF), as well as a past contributor to the G20 and G7 working groups and dialogues on sustainable finance. He also oversees ICMA’s Paris office. Nicholas is a senior banker with extensive international experience in investment banking and capital markets, as well as in development banking. He has worked previously at Goldman Sachs, BNP Paribas and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Patrick de Cambourg
Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

Patrick de Cambourg is the Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board since November 2022.

Between 2015 and November 2022, he was President of the Autorité des normes comptables (ANC), the French accounting standard-setting Public Authority. As such, he was also a member of the Boards of Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), CNOCP and a member of the Haut Conseil de Stabilité Financière.

Patrick, a graduate from Sciences Po Paris, holds degrees in public and business law and has a Bachelor of Arts. As chartered accountant and auditor, he spent his entire career within the Mazars Group, successively as junior, manager, partner and senior partner (1983-2014). Since late 2014, he is Honorary President of the Mazars Group.
Nadia Humphreys
Head of Sustainable Finance Data Solutions
Observer on the Platform for Sustainable Finance of the European Commission

Nadia manages the global Sustainable Finance Data Solutions team at Bloomberg LP and is focused on transforming how financial firms consume and use high quality ESG data for investment strategies.

Nadia also serves as an observer and previously co-rapporteur on the European Commission’s Platform for Sustainable Finance and is a member of the Green Finance Industry Taskforce convened by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), and of the Taxonomy Technical Expert Group of the Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI). In addition, she sits on the Consultative Working Group (CWG) on Sustainable Finance for ESMA.

Nadia was a member of the Green Technical Advisory Group to the UK Government and supported the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission’s Technical Expert Group for climate related product disclosures. She was previously the Global Head of Regulatory and Climate Solutions at Bloomberg LP, supporting climate and ESG regulatory product development. Prior to Bloomberg, Nadia worked at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

Nadia is a keen advocate for Women in FinTech and sat on Bloomberg’s EMEA Diversity Council. She is an ICMA mentor and coach under the Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses initiative.
René Nicolodi (ZKB - Swisscanto)
Head of Equities & Themes, Zürcher Kantonalbank

René Nicolodi is the head of Equities & Themes in Asset Management at Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank and deputy head of Asset Management. After starting his career at Swiss Bank Corporation and UBS, he held several positions in Investment Bank and Asset Management at Zürcher Kantonalbank prior to his current function. In addition to his role at ZKB, René is a lecturer at the University of Zurich, at the Swiss Training Centre for Investment Professionals (AZEK) and the International Management Institute (MIM) in Kiev. He is also Vice-President of Swiss Sustainabe Finance.
Jakob Mayr (WWF)
Programme Co-Lead Sustainable Finance at WWF Austria

focus on biodiversity and finance, sustainability risks, critical monitoring of legislative initiatives related to sustainable finance. Previously: (sustainability) risk management at banks in Vienna.
Begum Gursoy (Sustainalytics)
Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions, Morningstar Sustainalytics

Begum is the Head of Sustainalytics’ Opinion Services business in the EMEA region. She oversees the business strategy while acting as a bridge between Sustainalytics and its external stakeholders. She advocates for sustainable finance standards and Taxonomies for the labelled instruments such as green, social, sustainability, sustainability-linked, and transition instruments. She represents Sustainalytics within the industry working groups on novel structures and sectoral criteria developments.

Coming from a financial institution and asset management background, Begum joined Sustainalytics in 2018, and prior to her current role, she acted as a regional leader for the research of Second-Party Opinions.
Gianpiero Nacci
Director, Sustainable Business & Infrastructure Climate Strategy and Delivery

Gianpiero Nacci is Director in the Climate Strategy and Delivery Department at the EBRD where he is responsible for climate finance, business support and climate/green policy engagements for the corporate, energy and infrastructure sectors. He is also responsible for coordinating EBRD work on climate resilience, just transition and nature finance.

He has over 25 years’ experience in climate policies, sustainable manufacturing, circular economy and clean energy with a particular focus on emerging markets.

An Italian national, he holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and an MSc in Renewable Energy from the University of Oldenburg (Germany).
Berthold Kren (Holcim Austria)
CEO of Holcim Central Europe

Berthold Kren has been CEO of Holcim Central Europe since 2020 and is responsible for cement, concrete, and gravel in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovenia. With a background in waste management, the Montanuniversität graduate joined Holcim (formerly Lafarge), the world's leading cement manufacturer, in 2005. Based in France and India, Berthold Kren was head of the region's circular economy, renewable energies, and procurement. Since returning to Austria in 2020, Kren has forged ahead with industrial transformation and the circular economy in the construction industry. Berthold Kren holds several supervisory board positions in associated companies and is President of the Austrian Cement Industry Association.
Dušan Vácha
Expert ČEZ Group ESG Programs, ČEZ, a. s

Dušan Vácha is an environmental expert with experience in various fields related to greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and reporting, quality assurance, quality control, verification, validation and conformity assessment according to ISO standards (ISO 17000). He has worked as a researcher, consultant, verifier and manager for various organisations in the Czech Republic, Japan and has participated in several national and international projects, e.g. for UNDP or European Commission. All projects were related to the preparation, review, development and improvement of GHG inventories for national, regional or local levels. He has also contributed to the development and implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in the Czech Republic and the accreditation of certification, verification and inspection bodies. He has been involved in communication and cooperation with various stakeholders, such as ESG rating agencies at CEZ, as well as project development (SBTi validation, identification and assessment of nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities).

He holds a Master's degree in Environmental Studies from Charles University in Prague.
Stefan Waldner
Senior Vice President, Group Finance, Tax, Treasury and Risk Management, OMV AG

Stefan Waldner joined OMV in 2005 and has held various senior management roles since then, including CFO OMV Petrom, CFO Petrol Ofisi, and SVP Corporate Development and M&A. Before joining OMV Stefan worked in Investment Banking and Consulting. Stefan holds a master’s degree in Social and Economic Sciences from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.
Andreas Rajchl
Expert Sustainable Finance, EU Commission


Andreas joined the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) in 2014 as advisor to the Executive Board. In 2020, he moved to Brussels to work as national expert for the European Commission DG FISMA Sustainable Finance Unit, until he recently took over the role as Head of the Green Finance and Sustainable Economy Department, as part of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Dr. Kasper Hanus
Senior Sustainability Manager, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income

Dr. Kasper Hanus joined Franklin Templeton in April of 2021 and is the senior sustainability manager for the Franklin Templeton Fixed Income team. Dr. Hanus is based in Cieszyn, Poland and is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies for global and European funds, including those participating in Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) article 8 and 9 categories. Prior to his employment at Franklin Templeton, Dr. Hanus was a research fellow at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has over a decade of experience in sustainability and resilience studies, and collaborated with leading American, British, and Australian universities including: Harvard, the University of Durham, and the University of Sydney. Dr. Hanus holds a doctoral degree awarded by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, based on his dissertation exploring links between water management and political power in ancient Inner Asia, and a Master and Bachelor of Arts from Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He is a member of Cieszyn-Mnisztwo Volunteer Fire Department.
Maya Hennerkes
Director for Green Financial Systems at the Climate Strategy and Delivery Department of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

She is responsible for EBRD’s sustainable finance methodologies such as Paris Alignment and Green Economy Transition approaches; green lending to Financial Intermediaries; green capital markets as well as green policy support for financial regulators. She represents EBRD at the EU Sustainable Finance Platform and NGFS. Prior to this role, Maya led EBRD’s ESG risk management work with financial institutions and private equity funds. She promotes sustainable financial systems and the integration of climate, environmental and social matters in investment decisions and management. Maya is a sustainable finance and ESG expert with almost 20 years of experience, with previous positions at the Inter-American Development Bank Group in Washington DC and Bloomberg L.P. in London.

She is a member of the Club of Rome’s Think Tank 30 and serves on the Advisory Boards of SustainableFinance.Live and WeShyft. Maya studied economics, political science and Latin America studies in Germany and Spain and holds an Executive Masters in Public Management from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.
Klemens Eiter

Klemens Eiter graduated in business informatics from the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business and has worked in auditing and tax consulting since 1996. Since 2009, Klemens Eiter has been Managing Partner of BDO Austria GmbH. He has most recently headed the IFRS competence center and the sector hub of the construction industry. Klemens Eiter is a capital market expert with an extensive track record and is highly experienced in establishing and implementing of transformation programmes and business optimization. He has been a full member of the Executive Board and CFO of PORR AG since 1 May 2022.
Pelle Guldborg Hansen
Chief scientist at iNudgeyou

Pelle Guldborg Hansen is a behavioural scientist at Roskilde University, founder of the Danish Nudging Network and chief scientist at iNudgeyou – The Applied Behavioural Science Centre, an independent research centre advancing applied behavioural insights since 2010. He is also on the advisory boards of IBPPA – The International Behavioural Public Policy Association, and GAABS – and The Global Association of Applied Behavioural Science, as well as an advisor to the Danish Governmental EU- and regulation forum.

Pelle was awarded a PhD from Roskilde University in game theoretical modelling of social conventions and norms in 2010. Since then, he has worked with real-world applications of behavioural economics and behavioural insights, especially so-called ‘nudge’-interventions, within a wide range of areas.

His work has been published in a wide range of international peer-reviewed journals, including Behavioural Public Policy, The International Review of Economics, American Journal of Bioethics, Annual Review of Public Health, Journal of Public Health, Metaphilosophy, European Journal of Risk Regulation and more. His research often receives widespread public interest and has been reported in media such as The Economist, Foreign Policy, CNN, New Scientist and Wall Street Journal. During his years of experience, he developed the framework BASIC© for applying behavioural science in public policy, which was adopted and published in 2019 by the OECD.





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